- Spirulina Powder: More than just algae; it is a microscopic nutrient powerhouse loaded with bioavailable proteins, beta-carotene, and essential elements supporting vitality and resilience.
- Plant-Based Proteins: Pea protein isolate at 85% serves as a clean and sustainable source of amino acids crucial for muscle regeneration and metabolic support.
- Nutritional Diversity: GN1 introduces a plethora of nutrients from various sources into your daily diet: fruits, vegetables, plants, and algae, ensuring complete coverage of micronutrient and phytonutrient needs.
- Vitamins and Minerals: This product provides a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals for bodily functions, from supporting the immune system to optimizing ocular and cutaneous health.
- Probiotic-Prebiotic Symbiosis: Inulin acts as a prebiotic, while the 2 billion CFU probiotic complex consolidates intestinal microflora, contributing to efficient digestion and a robust immune system.
- Adaptogen Complex: Ingredients like ashwagandha and Rhodiola rosea are known for their ability to help the body adapt to stress and improve resistance to physical and mental stressors.
- Digestive Enzymes: The enzyme blend facilitates the breakdown of complex nutrients into more accessible forms, ensuring maximum absorption and reducing digestive discomfort.
- Antioxidants and Detoxification: Plant extracts like turmeric and milk thistle provide bioactive compounds that help neutralize free radicals and support the body’s natural detoxification processes.
- Phytosomal Omega-3: Soy lecithin not only improves lipid profiles, but phytosomal technology ensures that essential fatty acids are efficiently delivered to cells to support cognitive function and cardiovascular health.
- Intelligent Sweetening: Using stevia, a calorie-free sweetener, GN1 meets the needs of those looking to avoid blood sugar fluctuations and maintain a healthier lifestyle.
GN1® distinguishes itself through carefully balanced formulation and a commitment to using only the highest quality ingredients, creating a nutritional experience that is as enjoyable as it is effective. Whether it’s supporting athletic performance, enhancing mental clarity, or strengthening the foundations of overall health, GN1 positions itself as a reliable ally in the journey towards a vibrant and energetic
Atminkite: Svarbu įvairi ir subalansuota mityba bei sveikas gyvenimo būdas! Rūpinimasis savo sveikata yra labai sveikintinas dalykas. Kuomet rūpinamės savimi, savo fizine bei emocine sveikata, esame laimingesni, žvalesni ir darbingesni. Žmogaus sveikatai, ypatingai didelę reikšmę turi geras miegas, fizinis aktyvumas, kokybiškas, sveikas maistas ir bendravimas su kitais žmonėmis. Jei į savo racioną įtrauksite kuo daugiau įvairesnio maisto – daržovių, vaisių, įvairių grūdinių patiekalų, duonos gaminių, mėsos, organizmas įsisavins, visas jam naudingas medžiagas ir tikėtina jų netrūks. Papildai, vitaminai, mineralai, tai tik mitybos papildymas, vartokite juos tik tuo atveju jei gerai žinote, kad vienos ar kitos medžiagos Jums trūksta. Arba jei tą parekomendavo gydytojas. Idealus variantas, jei galite pasidaryti kraujo tyrimą ir tiksliai nustatyti, kokių medžiagų Jums trūksta. Būkite sveiki ir laimingi!
➠ Sumaišykite 12 gramų (1 samtelis) GN1 su 300ml vandens ir suplakite. Geriausia plakti plaktuvėje.
Dėmesio, atidarius pakuotę, produktą rekomenduojama laikyti šaltai. Papildą, po atidarymo, suvartokite per 90 dienų.
spėjimai: Neviršykite nurodytos rekomenduojamos paros normos. Šis produktas neturėtų būti naudojamas kaip įvairios, subalansuotos dietos pakaitalas. Spec. paskirties produktas, nėra maisto pakaitalas. Svarbu įvairi ir subalansuota mityba bei sveikas gyvenimo būdas. Netinka nėščioms ir maitinančioms moterims. Nevartoti žmonėms, alergiškiems produkto sudėtinėms dalims. Prieš vartojimą pasitarkite su gydytoju ar vaistininku. Laikyti vėsioje sausoje vietoje toliau nuo tiesioginių saulės spindulių. Laikyti vaikams nepasiekiamoje vietoje.
Alergenai: Pagaminta gamykloje, kurios gamyboje naudojamas pienas, soja, kiaušinio baltymas, glitimas ir žemės riešutai. Gali būti randami šių produktų pėdsakai.
Geriausias iki (termino pabaigos): geriausias vartoti iki termino, nurodyto ant pakuotės šono, viršaus arba jos apačioje.
GN1® by Genius Nutrition is a revolution in the nutritional supplements industry, designed to provide a synergistic complex of essential nutrients, adaptogens, antioxidants, and enzymes, promoting overall well-being and optimal body functionality.
This innovative product is the perfect choice for those aiming for a higher level of health and vitality, harmoniously combining naturopathic tradition with the latest scientific discoveries in the field of nutrition.
- Contains no less than 20 essential vitamins and minerals, ensuring a complete supply of these essential substances for your health.
- This supplement contains no less than 76 valuable ingredients, offering a wide range of nutrients to support your body.
- GN1 is a lactose-free, non-GMO (genetically modified organisms), and colorant-free product, ensuring you consume only pure and natural ingredients.
- Sweetened with stevia, a natural and healthy sweetener that adds sweetness without increasing sugar intake.
- The synergistic complex of essential nutrients, adaptogens, antioxidants, and enzymes provides unparalleled support for your overall well-being and optimal body functionality.
- Forget about taking dozens of capsules daily, as GN1 combines all these essential nutrients in a single easy-to-use shake.
- GN1 is the most comprehensive product ever formulated, providing everything you need to support your well-being and overall health.
This product contains a variety of medicinal herbs, offering you the benefits of these natural ingredients. Additionally, GN1 includes valuable extracts that contribute to supporting your health and vitality. Discover GN1 by Genius Nutrition now and transform your life by providing your body with the nutrients it needs to shine with health and vitality.
- Spirulina Powder: More than just algae; it is a microscopic nutrient powerhouse loaded with bioavailable proteins, beta-carotene, and essential elements supporting vitality and resilience.
- Plant-Based Proteins: Pea protein isolate at 85% serves as a clean and sustainable source of amino acids crucial for muscle regeneration and metabolic support.
- Nutritional Diversity: GN1 introduces a plethora of nutrients from various sources into your daily diet: fruits, vegetables, plants, and algae, ensuring complete coverage of micronutrient and phytonutrient needs.
- Vitamins and Minerals: This product provides a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals for bodily functions, from supporting the immune system to optimizing ocular and cutaneous health.
- Probiotic-Prebiotic Symbiosis: Inulin acts as a prebiotic, while the 2 billion CFU probiotic complex consolidates intestinal microflora, contributing to efficient digestion and a robust immune system.
- Adaptogen Complex: Ingredients like ashwagandha and Rhodiola rosea are known for their ability to help the body adapt to stress and improve resistance to physical and mental stressors.
- Digestive Enzymes: The enzyme blend facilitates the breakdown of complex nutrients into more accessible forms, ensuring maximum absorption and reducing digestive discomfort.
- Antioxidants and Detoxification: Plant extracts like turmeric and milk thistle provide bioactive compounds that help neutralize free radicals and support the body’s natural detoxification processes.
- Phytosomal Omega-3: Soy lecithin not only improves lipid profiles, but phytosomal technology ensures that essential fatty acids are efficiently delivered to cells to support cognitive function and cardiovascular health.
- Intelligent Sweetening: Using stevia, a calorie-free sweetener, GN1 meets the needs of those looking to avoid blood sugar fluctuations and maintain a healthier lifestyle.
GN1® distinguishes itself through carefully balanced formulation and a commitment to using only the highest quality ingredients, creating a nutritional experience that is as enjoyable as it is effective. Whether it’s supporting athletic performance, enhancing mental clarity, or strengthening the foundations of overall health, GN1 positions itself as a reliable ally in the journey towards a vibrant and energetic
➠ Mix 12g (1 cup) of GN1 with 300ml cold water in a shaker. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
Warning! Due to the ingredients in GN1, refrigeration is recommended after opening. Once opened, the content is valid for 90 days. If unopened, GN1 is stable until the expiration date indicated on the packaging.
Paulius –
Wow, šito labai ilgai laukiau. Kitą mėnesį būtinai užsisakysiu!
Колян В –
заказал вчера , сегодня уже получил, всё супер как всегда ребят, спасибо. состав просто пушка) у вас как всегда полно эксклюзива.
Rimas –
Gavau šiandiena. Kaina gan aukštoka, bet geriant šitą realiai nereik ir kitokių vitaminų, mineralų pirktis ir gerti atskirai, good stuff. Panašus į AG1 🙂
Paulius –
Išbandžiau ir likau patenkintas. Jaučiasi energijos antplūdis, skonis tikrai gana geras, žiūrint į tai, kad jame daug įvarių augalų. Man asmeniškai gan saldus, nors kaip amatu pasaldintas tik stevija.Tikrai pirksiu dar. Nors daugelis vartoja athletic green be pertraukų, bet aš tai darysiu periodais. Vienas svarbus pastebėjima, čia yra didelis kiekis prebiotikų bei probitikų, todėl geriausia pradėti vartoti prieš savaitgalį, kuomt niekur nereikia eiti.
Jūsų žarnynui reikės laiko prisitaikyti prie naujos biotos. Todėl, pradžioj egali pūsti ar susukti pilvą, gal net užkietėti. Nesijaudinkite, kitaip ir negali būti. Po kurso svarbu organizmo vėl neužteršti junk foodu, bei saldumynais.
Kas geriau AG1 ar GN1. Mano galva, abu labai verti dėmesio. Ag1 atsirado pirmieji, tačiau sudėtimi, manau, GN1 lenkia AG1.