
“WARCRY® Amino” Amino Rūgštys + Taurinas ‘Genius Nutrition’ (300g/30porc)

Original price was: €24.00.Current price is: €13.33.

“WARCRY® Amino” (Genius Nutrition) EAA amino rūgščių kompleksas į kurį įeina ne tik visos esminės amino rūgštys, tačiau kartu “Warcry Amino” papildomai praturtintas ir L-L-Glutaminu, CocoMineral elektrolitais bei Taurinu. Puikus, kompleksas vartoti intensyvių treniruočių metu. Vartokite prieš, per ar po treniruotės. Pagerinkite savo rezultatus, bei atsistatymą.




WARCRY Amino Rūgštys

BCAA 2:1:1 yra aukštos kokybės išsišakojusios grandinės aminorūgščių kompleksas, turintis didesnį aminorūgščių kiekį nei dauguma kitų produktų.

BCAA išsišakojusios grandinės aminorūgštyse yra L-leucino (2 dalys), L-izoleucino (1 dalis) ir L-valino (1 dalis). Tai nepakeičiamos amino rūgštys, kurių pats organizmas negamina ir kurios yra gaunamos iš maisto. “Iconfit” BCAA 2:1:1 yra geriausias ir gryniausias koncentruotų amino rūgščių šaltinis.

Visos amino rūgštys čia –>

Atminkite: Svarbu įvairi ir subalansuota mityba bei sveikas gyvenimo būdas! Rūpinimasis savo sveikata yra labai sveikintinas dalykas. Kuomet rūpinamės savimi, savo fizine bei emocine sveikata, esame laimingesni, žvalesni ir darbingesni. Žmogaus sveikatai, ypatingai didelę reikšmę turi geras miegas, fizinis aktyvumas, kokybiškas, sveikas maistas ir bendravimas su kitais žmonėmis. Jei į savo racioną įtrauksite kuo daugiau įvairesnio maisto – daržovių, vaisių, įvairių grūdinių patiekalų, duonos gaminių, mėsos, organizmas įsisavins, visas jam naudingas medžiagas ir tikėtina jų netrūks. Papildai, vitaminai, mineralai, tai tik mitybos papildymas, vartokite juos tik tuo atveju jei gerai žinote, kad vienos ar kitos medžiagos Jums trūksta. Arba jei tą parekomendavo gydytojas. Idealus variantas, jei galite pasidaryti kraujo tyrimą ir tiksliai nustatyti, kokių medžiagų Jums trūksta. Būkite sveiki ir laimingi!


Papildoma informacija


Genius Nutrition


Sumaišykite 1 samtelį (~10g) su 300ml šalto vandens ir gerkite prieš/per ar po treniruotės.

Įspėjimai:  Neviršykite nurodytos rekomenduojamos paros normos. Šis produktas neturėtų būti naudojamas kaip įvairios, subalansuotos dietos pakaitalas. Maisto produktas, nėra maisto pakaitalas. Svarbu įvairi ir subalansuota mityba bei sveikas gyvenimo būdas. Nevartoti žmonėms, alergiškiems produkto sudėtinėms dalims. Prieš vartojimą pasitarkite su sporto treneriu, gydytoju ar vaistininku. Laikyti vėsioje sausoje vietoje toliau nuo tiesioginių saulės spindulių. Laikyti vaikams nepasiekiamoje vietoje.

Alergenai: Pagaminta gamykloje, kurios gamyboje naudojamas pienas, soja, kiaušinio baltymas, glitimas ir žemės riešutai. Gali būti randami šių produktų pėdsakai. 

Geriausias iki (termino pabaigos): geriausias vartoti iki termino, nurodyto ant pakuotės šono, viršaus arba jos apačioje.

Sudedamosios Dalys

GAMINTOJAS: GENIUS NUTRITION LTD, European Union, ROU, Business Logistic Center, Tamasi 20, Buftea 070000.
PLATINTOJAS LIETUVOJE: “Aroma Fero” UAB, Konstitucijos pr. 21, 09306 Vilnius.


En Description

WARCRY® AMINO is designed to provide athletes with a complete solution for muscle recovery and rehydration. Its unique formula includes a selection of essential amino acids, which are fundamental in repairing and increasing muscle mass. Taurine adds a boost of endurance, while l-glutamine supports rapid recovery after intense workouts. CocoMineral® ensures the essential hydration element, making WARCRY® AMINO an indispensable product for any serious athlete.

Experience optimal hydration provided by coconut water, a natural source of electrolytes, and transform the recovery process into true revitalization. With WARCRY® AMINO, you bring together the essential elements for regeneration and reach the maximum level of your athletic performance!

  • 3000mg BCAA per serving
  • 1000mg Taurine
  • 500mg CocoMineral®
  • 500mg L-Glutamine
  • 0g added sugar


  • Leucine (BCAA): Efficiently stimulates muscle mass growth and recovery after intense workouts. With superior power compared to other amino acids, it influences protein synthesis, supporting muscle development, and improves insulin sensitivity, having a positive impact on hormonal regulation and body fat control.
  • Taurine: Positively influences human health by stimulating the central nervous system, improving attention and cognitive abilities. Consumption supports physical performance and presents a useful vasodilator effect for balancing blood pressure. Acting as an antioxidant, it protects cells against oxidative stress, and its increased concentration in the eyes indicates a potential essential role in maintaining eye health and improving vision.
  • Threonine: Positively impacts the nervous system. Studies show that threonine may help prevent neurological conditions such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis. After ingestion, the body converts threonine into glycine, essential for reducing muscle contractions. This is particularly beneficial in sports, helping to prevent muscle cramps and alleviate muscle soreness after workouts.
  • Phenylalanine: Contributes to brain health, stress, and anxiety. Phenylalanine is essential for the transmission of chemical signals and the activation of brain receptors, influencing the production of hormones that induce relaxation and happiness.
  • L-Glutamine: Contributes to cell volume increase, protein synthesis, and immune system optimization. It supports muscle mass development, protects against viruses, boosts the immune system, and enhances growth hormone secretion. A unique aspect is its role in cleansing and protecting the liver, while also being a source of energy for the heart.
  • CocoMineral®: Instant powder obtained from coconut water, providing essential minerals sodium and potassium, which are lost during physical activities.
  • L-Isoleucine (BCAA): Studies have shown that isoleucine enhances endurance, influences blood clotting, and the wound healing process, also contributing to the recovery of affected muscle tissue.
  • L-Valine (BCAA): Valine, with its stimulative properties, is essential for recovery and muscle tissue development. Along with leucine and isoleucine, the other branched-chain amino acids, they constitute over 70% of the total amino acids in the body’s proteins. Recent studies have also identified a correlation between low levels of valine and impaired cognitive function, suggesting it may also have beneficial effects on the brain.
  • DL-Methionine: The main characteristic of methionine is its status as a proteinogenic amino acid, and its presence in supplements has increased due to its fat-dissolving abilities. Methionine also contributes to preventing the accumulation of visceral adipose tissue, supporting the health of vital organs, including the liver. This amino acid plays an essential role in cartilage formation, having a beneficial impact on joint health and mobility. It has also been found to stimulate keratin production, thereby promoting nail health and preventing hair loss.
  • Tryptophan: Is crucial for mental health and well-being, as it serves as a precursor to serotonin. Serotonin, a hormonal neurotransmitter, improves mood, promotes restful sleep, and generally contributes to feelings of happiness and confidence. This amino acid is naturally converted into B vitamins, essential for serotonin production. Rich sources of tryptophan include meat and dairy products, especially turkey.
  • Histidine: Plays a significant role in various metabolic processes in the body. Among its numerous benefits, the most notable is associated with joint conditions and allergic reactions. Studies have indicated histidine’s effectiveness in alleviating symptoms of arthritis and allergies. It is also considered beneficial in treating anemia and ulcers.

HOW TO USE: ➠ Mix 1 scoop of WARCRY® AMINO in a shaker with 300ml of water. ➠ One scoop (10g) = 1 Serving

WARNING: Dietary supplements do not replace a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of reach of children. Store the product in a cool, dry place. Not recommended for children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.

References: Wolfe, R. R. (2017). Branched-chain amino acids and muscle protein synthesis in humans: myth or reality? Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 14(1), 30.

Legault, Z., Bagnall, N., & Kimmerly, D. S. (2015). The Influence of Oral L-Glutamine Supplementation on Muscle Strength Recovery and Soreness Following Unilateral Knee Extension Eccentric Exercise. International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism, 25(5), 417-426.

Kalman, D. S., Feldman, S., Krieger, D. R., & Bloomer, R. J. (2012). Comparison of coconut water and a carbohydrate-electrolyte sport drink on measures of hydration and physical performance in exercise-trained men. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 9(1), 1.

Waldron, M., Patterson, S. D., Tallent, J., & Jeffries, O. (2018). The effects of an oral taurine dose and supplementation period on endurance exercise performance in humans: a meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 48(5), 1247-1253.


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