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“WARCRY PRE®” Pažangiausias Pre-Workout/Pump Energetikas ‘Genius Nutrition’ (400g/40porc)

Original price was: €38.00.Current price is: €26.98.

(6 pirkėjų atsiliepimai)

Warcry PRE V3® galingas, “preworkout” prieštreniruotinis gėrimas, sukurtas remiantis naujausiais Genius Nutrition sportininkų testavimais sporto salėje. Pažangi formulė Warcry išskiria iš kitų standartinių energetikų (Glycopump®). Šis Energetikas gali suteikti daugiau jėgų, energijos, vienoje porcijoje yra net 150 ar 300 mg bevandenio kofeino. Jis taip pat papildytas CocoMineral elektrolitais. Norint siekti savo užsibrėžtų tikslų, užsiauginti daugiau raumenų, ištobūlinti figūrą, labai svarbu intensyvios treniruotės, maksimalus susikaupimas. Ypatingai svarbu, kad raumenys būtų aprūpinti maistingomis medžiagomis.

Kodėl “Warcry V3 Preworkout” yra toks mėgstamas? Tai yra trečioji Warcry Versija, kuri yra dar labiau ištobulinta ir išbandyta atletų visame pasaulyje.

PERFORMANCE ENGINE – Acetyl L-Tyrosine, Taurine, L-Phenylalanine, Acetyl L-Carnitine
NEURO-ENERGY-ENGINE – Caffeine Anhydrous, Alpha GPC, L-Theanine, Piperine 98%
FOCUS ENGINE – Ginseng Root, Arctic Root, Olive Leaf



Ši naujos kartos pre-workout formulė sukurta remiantis naujausiais “Genius Nutrition” sportininkų bandymais. Warcry V3 sudaryta iš Citrulino Malato, Bevandenio Kofeino, Glycopump®, Beta Alanino, CocoMineral®, ALC, Taurino, Tikslas, Alyvuogių lapų, Arktinės šaknies, Ženšenio ekstraktų ir kitų sudedamųjų dalių.

DĖMESIO! Kadangi “Warcry” yra labai stiprus produktas su kofeinu, rekomenduojame pradedantiesiems pasibandyti kaip jie toleruoja šį produktą. Vartoti ne daugiau nei 1 kaušelį ar net puse kaušelio.

Antroji Warcry versija, pasak Genius Nutrition, rezultatais pranoko savo pirmtaką.

Dėmesio “Warcry” turi kelias prieštreniruotinių energetikų versijas – Warcry Ultra, Warcry Gaming, Warcry Shot

Atminkite: Svarbu įvairi ir subalansuota mityba bei sveikas gyvenimo būdas! Rūpinimasis savo sveikata yra labai sveikintinas dalykas. Kuomet rūpinamės savimi, savo fizine bei emocine sveikata, esame laimingesni, žvalesni ir darbingesni. Žmogaus sveikatai, ypatingai didelę reikšmę turi geras miegas, fizinis aktyvumas, kokybiškas, sveikas maistas ir bendravimas su kitais žmonėmis. Jei į savo racioną įtrauksite kuo daugiau įvairesnio maisto – daržovių, vaisių, įvairių grūdinių patiekalų, duonos gaminių, mėsos, organizmas įsisavins, visas jam naudingas medžiagas ir tikėtina jų netrūks. Papildai, vitaminai, mineralai, tai tik mitybos papildymas, vartokite juos tik tuo atveju jei gerai žinote, kad vienos ar kitos medžiagos Jums trūksta. Arba jei tą parekomendavo gydytojas. Idealus variantas, jei galite pasidarti kraujo tyrimą ir tiksliai nustatyti, kokių medžiagų Jums trūkta. Būkite sveiki ir laimingi!


Visi Pre-Workout papildai –>

Warcry Geriausias pre-workout, pre workout nauda

Papildoma informacija


Genius Nutrition


Alien Fruits, American Cola, Arctic Raspberry, Electric Juice, Purple Fantasy, Rainbow Candy, Strawberry Mojito, Alien Fruits (sulipęs, viskas gerai), Strawberry Mojito SULIPĘS


➠ Paros norma: 10g (1 samtelis) sumaišykite su 200-300 ml šalto vandens ir suvartokite likus 30-15 minutėms iki treniruotės. Jei reikia didesnės stimuliacijos, galite sumaišyti 2 samtelius. Neviršykite 2 samtelių per dieną.

Dėmesio: 1 porcijoje aukšta kofeino dozė (150mg/1 porcija/10g). Nerekomenduojama viršyti 300mg Kofeino per dieną (Toks kiekis lygus ~3 kavos puodeliams). Nerekomenduojama vartoti vaikams ir nėščioms ar maitinančioms moterims.  

Įspėjimai:  Neviršykite nurodytos rekomenduojamos paros normos. Šis produktas neturėtų būti naudojamas kaip įvairios, subalansuotos dietos pakaitalas. Maisto produktas, nėra maisto pakaitalas. Svarbu įvairi ir subalansuota mityba bei sveikas gyvenimo būdas. Netinka nėščioms ir maitinančioms moterims. Nevartoti žmonėms, alergiškiems produkto sudėtinėms dalims. Prieš vartojimą pasitarkite su gydytoju ar vaistininku. Laikyti vėsioje sausoje vietoje toliau nuo tiesioginių saulės spindulių. Laikyti vaikams nepasiekiamoje vietoje.

Alergenai: Pagaminta gamykloje, kurios gamyboje naudojamas pienas, soja, kiaušinio baltymas, glitimas ir žemės riešutai. Gali būti randami šių produktų pėdsakai. 

Geriausias iki (termino pabaigos): geriausias vartoti iki termino, nurodyto ant pakuotės šono, viršaus arba jos apačioje.

Sudedamosios Dalys

GAMINTOJAS: GENIUS NUTRITION LTD, European Union, ROU, Business Logistic Center, Tamasi 20, Buftea 070000.
PLATINTOJAS LIETUVOJE: “Aroma Fero” UAB, Konstitucijos pr. 21, 09306 Vilnius.

Sudedamosios Dalys: L-citrulino L-malatas, beta-alaninas, glicerolio milteliai (Glycopump®), L-tirozinas, taurinas, L-fenilalaninas, L-karnitinas, bevandenis kofeinas, Cholino Bitartratas, Kininio ženšenio ekstraktas (panax ginseng c.a meyer, extracts 8:1), Rausvosios Radiolės ekstraktas 12:1, L-teaninas, kokosų vandens milteliai, alyvmedžių lapų ektraktas (olea europea, extract 5:1), juodojo pipiro ekstraktas (98% piperino). Kitos sudedamosios dalys: kvapiosios medžiagos, saldiklis (sukralozė), dažiklis (E161, E131).

Maistinė ir energetinė vertė 1 porcija 10g_
Citrulinas (dl-malate, 2:1 santykiu) 3500 mg
Beta Alaninas (Carnogen® ) 1800 mg
GlycoPump® (koncentruoti glicerolio milteliai, 65% 1250 mg
Acetil L-Tirozinas 700 mg
Taurinas 400 mg
L-Fenilalaninas 400 mg
Acetil L-Karnitinas 250 mg
Bevandenis Kofeinas 150 mg
Cholino Bitartratas 150 mg
Ženšenio šaknis (kininio ženšenio ekstraktas 8:1) 125 mg
Arktinė Šaknis (Rausvosios Radiolės ekstraktas 12:1) 125 mg
L-Teaninas 50 mg
Kokosų vandens milteliai (Cocomineral®) 50 mg
Alyvuogių lapai (olea europea, ekstraktas 5:1) 25 mg
Pipirinas (juodojo pipiro ekstraktas 98% piperino) 2.5 mg
RMV – referencinė maistinė vertė nenustatyta


Warcry® is a cutting-edge pre-workout which changes the rules of the game. For us, good has never been good enough, and therefore we have formulated Warcry® for more strength, pump, concentration and energy, and the ultimate training experience. This next generation formula is based on a scientific combination of beta-alanine and citrulline for an unparalleled pumping effect. The powerful mix of choline, theanine and tyrosine will take your body to the next level, while the precise combination of caffeine and olive leaf extract will give you an incredible boost of energy and will increase your concentration.

L-citrulline is an amino acid which is converted into L-arginine shortly after it enters the body. Contrary to the general belief, L-citrulline is actually more effective than L-arginine. Besides, another disadvantage of arginine is that it has an extremely low absorption rate. Therefore, we use only citrulline that is converted into arginine and supports nitric oxide production and pump during workout. Nitric oxide plays an important role in vasodilation and promotes increased blood flow. The increase in the nitric oxide levels makes blood vessels dilate and, as a result, blood delivers more oxygen to muscles.

GlycoPump® is a highly concentrated form of powdered glycerol made in Germany. GlycoPump® helps prevent dehydration, improves workout performance and ensures optimum pump during endurance training. In particular, it leads to an increase in intracellular fluid to a level close to hyperhydration. Thus, it helps prevent dehydration, improves performance and strength during endurance training, and supports blood flow to muscles. Glycerol ensures appropriate muscle hydration and blunts the effects of dehydration and fatigue. GlycoPump® starts producing effects as soon as it reaches the bloodstream – that is 15 to 25 minutes after consumption. It brings an increase in muscle cell volume and supports better nutrient delivery, allowing users to train harder and longer. Full effects of consistent use on performance may be expected within the first two weeks of consumption, especially when combined with an appropriate diet and workout regime.

Beta-alanine is an amino acid essential for the production of carnosine. For those who are not familiar with it, carnosine is a protein building block which is concentrated in muscles and is effective in preventing ageing, and supports muscle function and development. Beta-alanine plays an important role in the production of carnosine as it supports delivery of a larger quantity of carnosine to muscles, which otherwise would be largely destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract. However, this is not the only benefit of beta-alanine. As you will see, there are a lot of other benefits associated with taking beta-alanine.
An important property of beta-alanine is that it reduces muscular fatigue. While exercising, acid will build up in muscles which will cause muscles to become fatigued and will lead to a shorter workout. This is where beta-alanine comes into play! As mentioned before, beta-alanine plays a very important role in the production of carnosine. Carnosine acts as a buffer and helps maintain a normal balance of acid in muscles. As a result, you can exercise harder and longer without getting fatigued which will, in turn, lead to muscle gains. Another benefit of beta-alanine is that it boosts workout performance, particularly with anaerobic exercise. As mentioned before, beta-alanine helps reduce the effects of muscle fatigue by reducing acid build-up in muscles. Research has shown that acid build-up occurs most often during anaerobic exercise and, in particular, during high-intensity, short-duration activities, such as weight lifting. Therefore, beta-alanine is very effective for those performing such activities.

It acts in various ways, and therefore provides a whole number of benefits to the human body, which we will delve into below. First of all, tyrosine helps the body produce neurotransmitters that regulate mood, concentration and focus levels. For example, one of these neurotransmitters is dopamine, a chemical which makes us feel happy and relaxed. Other neurotransmitters are epinephrine and norepinephrine which regulate stress response. Moreover, L-tyrosine plays an essential role in protein synthesis, a process in which the body synthesizes new muscle proteins to replace old or damaged ones. In total, around 20 amino acids are necessary for protein synthesis, and tyrosine is among the most important. Protein synthesis is essential not only for muscle growth and repair, but also for cell growth and regeneration. Warcry® contains N-acetyl-L-tyrosine, a modified version of the amino acid which comprises acetic acid as active compound for increased bioavailability and absorption. Studies suggest that more bioavailable L-tyrosine helps support body functions (and offers improved benefits).

This amino acid has been long known and its efficiency has been extensively researched. The acetyl component increases its capacity to cross the blood-brain barrier, improves dopamine production and, as a result, improves other processes such as cognition, learning, attention, memory, desire, pleasure, punishment, reward, motivation, sleep, mood, behavior, and voluntary movement. Moreover, it promotes the oxidation of fatty acids and fat burning via mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1). Acetyl L-carnitine helps the body produce more energy. It has also been proven to increase nitric oxide levels and to reduce markers of muscle damage after anaerobic exercise, such as bodybuilding, weight training or crossfit workouts.

Taurine is a specialized amino acid which is important for strength and endurance. Taurine levels decrease during exercise which negatively affects endurance performance.

When used together, L-theanine and caffeine work synergistically and provide improved and enhanced effects as compared to individual compounds. L-theanine is a nootropic which counteracts many undesirable effects of caffeine, such as hyperactivity, lack of focus, muscle stiffness and impaired sleep. For these reasons, Warcry® qualifies as one of the best caffeine-containing products.

This ingredient stimulates brain function, improves mood and response time, boosts focus and helps increase mind-muscle connection during workout. In combination with caffeine, L-tyrosine and theacrine, it helps maintain mental clarity and concentration throughout the workout.

A special combination of herbal extracts that is not found in other products or is found just in small amounts. These herbs quickly and effectively boost energy and focus, and support the natural resistance of the body to physical and emotional stress, fatigue and depression.


➠ Mix 1 or 2 scoops of Warcry and 200-300ml of water in your shaker cup and consume 5 minutes before workout on an empty stomach.

 As Warcry is a very potent supplement, we recommend beginner users to test their tolerance to this product. Consume no more than one scoop, i.e. half of a serving.

As the recommended dose contains the equivalent of three cups of coffee (300 mg), we advise you to limit use of medicine, food or drinks which contain caffeine. This product is not suitable for persons under 18 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and for persons suffering from phenylketonuria.

Warning! This product is prone to caking as it contains ingredients classified as hygroscopic. They absorb moisture from the environment and this can lead to clumping of powder into hard blocks. This is an absolutely normal process and does not indicate that the product is outdated. The hardening of the product does not affect its efficiency or flavour. To use the product, it is sufficient to stir the container or to break the hardened pieces. Store in a dry place to avoid caking.

Dietary supplements are only intended for healthy persons. Do not take if pregnant or breastfeeding. Keep out of the reach of children. This dietary supplement should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. Consume preferably before the date indicated on the container. Store in a cool and dry place.

6 atsiliepimai apie “WARCRY PRE®” Pažangiausias Pre-Workout/Pump Energetikas ‘Genius Nutrition’ (400g/40porc)

  1. Jeroslav

    Payts geriausias mano kada vartotas preworkoutas. Sprtuoju 15 metų.

  2. Justas

    Mano megstamiausias preworkoutas ever

  3. juraaa


  4. HumanPerformance.lt

    DĖMESIO: Atsiliepimai iki 2022.09.28 yra apie Warcry V2

  5. Karolis

    Visas indelio turinys ne milteliais, o vienas didelis gabalas masės kurios su pridėtu kaušeliu net pakabinti neina, originalus užsandarinimas turbūt buvo pažeistas ir milteliai gavo drėgmės neaišku kiek laiko. Vartojimą labai apsunkino, nerekomenduoju.

  6. HumanPerformance.lt

    Sveiki ,Karoli,

    Matyt jums pasitaikė “sušokęs” preworkoutas. Taip kartais nutinka, su bet kuriuo gamintoju. Mes laikome ppaildus geromis sąlygomis. Parašykite mums info@humanperformance.lt išspręsime šią situaciją.

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